Friday, April 24, 2009

Mossy Curtains Call

Lamplight fries
The buzzing flies
mossy curtain call
A clumsy oaf , I fall
Gazillions deep, those bown pools
Damn it, A fool of fools
Rescued just in the nick of time
Bound by bits of twine
The starlight throbs
Back to the incessant mobs
On the promenade


  1. whattt????

    anyway, u have known that to get thru to an immature person like me u need to use rhyming words compulsarily... and not be in ur own circle of wisdom...

    clear hai? :)

  2. lol..i dont write anything else but what i feel...and that poem is rhyming lol...the only rhyming one...and u still didnt understand it!!!despite ur claims
